Monday, September 19, 2011

Chemical Peels For Facial Lines And Melasma

A variety of skin problems that are helped by facial chemical peels, including wrinkles, fine lines, pigmentation, acne, uneven, and the scars left by acne.

Chemical peels

Sometimes it is the lack of the outer layer of skin, such as melasma and fine lines. Acid solution used for chemical peels to remove these outer layers of the skin. You can try one of the many different chemical peels available on the market, ranging from acid concentration and type of acid. If you are looking for a slight swelling of the face, then choose those that are acid and salicylic acid, alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA). When using trichloroacetic acid or TCA you can not have different results, depending on the amount of strong acid content. Phenol solution is generally used a strong face. It can not cage a big improvement on the skin, but often these have strong side effects and serious risks.

Expression lines

As you get older, the support systems that give the skin its elasticity, flexibility, and begins to deteriorate. These are the collagen fibers, elastic fibers and hyaluronic acid. Therefore, the skin becomes thinner, stiffer, and you will see the appearance of fine lines. Bad habits such as smoking and overexposure to sunlight can accelerate this process regardless. So the first rule to get rid of the lines used in sunscreen lotions and creams to avoid sun damage. You should also change the healthy lifestyle that includes smoking cessation. Together, facial chemical peels, there are other treatments that are also useful, such as laser resurfacing, botox fillers, peels and microdermabrasion.


There are age spots or brown spots on the face you see is called melasma. It is a kind of skin color, and people who are in the show in general, and dark spots on the lip cheeks, forehead, nose and above. One thing you should know about this problem is that everything is an aesthetic problem, and without health problems involved in it. When skin is exposed to too much amount, the hormone responsible for stimulating the production of pigments, and you can begin to see the dark places of the skin. To avoid the aggravation of this problem, make sure you start sunscreen as soon as possible. Chemical peels of the face to face this problem as well as other treatments with products such as tretinoin creams, lasers, and azelaic acid.

Chemical peels and thin lines

If you have the appearance of fine lines, facial that can help you, even if only a little 'result, countries are less serious, such as peeling with TCA peels, and salicylic acid. The longer the results of one to three years, you can try the AHA peels, which are also a sort of mild peel. If you get a higher concentration values ​​TCA peel, you can see better results than AHA peels. But it's more of a risk, and you must return for a longer period of time. The result, however, is certainly longer than AHA peels. If you want the best and most durable skin to remove wrinkles, you should go for phenol peels. The problem with these skins is that the heart is a potential risk of side effects of such a long recovery times.


Light peels such as salicylic acid and AHA facial peels are good to show an improvement in melasma problem. Shells with low concentrations of TCA have a moderate improvement, while later versions, or phenol peels will give you better results. But do not take into account the factor of lower risk and recovery time associated with chemical peels. You may have to, however, repeated to maintain the appearance of your skin.

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